Await Further Instructions (2018) Horror Movie Reviews

We are almost one week into our Awful Advent 25 Days of Christmas Horror feature. Behind door 6 is a British science fiction horror called Await Further Instructions. Set over Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Await Further Instructions follows a family spending Christmas together. It becomes clear that this is the first time they have all been in the same place in years. Frayed relationships are already being tested. Only for things to go even more horribly wrong when the house is suddenly locked down and an old CRT TV begins handing out instructions to the family.

This movie is a little on the strange side. Featuring a science fiction heavy theme. There is almost a Lovecraftian feel to it. Naturally it perfectly qualifies for our Awful Advent feature. Everything here takes place over the course of Christmas itself. We have Christmas trees, turkey, arguing. What could be more Christmassy than that? Let’s take a look.

Science Fiction Christmas Horror

Directed by the late Johnny Kevorkian. This is a movie that seems somewhat more apt since the recent pandemic. Much of the world was heavily affected and this is something many can relate to. A family are locked inside of their house over Christmas. Some type of metal like structure covers every exit of the house. What seems to be ventilation pipes are fitted into every room. Phone lines are dead and the internet is down. The only line of communication the family have with the outside world is their CRT TV. The TV displays a simple, static message “Await Further Instructions”.

Challenged to take control of the situation by his elderly father. Tony insists the family sit and await further guidance from the TV. This must be a terrorist attack. Or, perhaps, there is a virus in the air and the family has been quarantined for their own safety. To Tony, it makes perfect sense. As the hours pass by, the television begins to give them instructions. The only thing is, they seem to be more and more outlandish.

Await Further Instructions (2018) Horror Movie Reviews

It goes without saying that this is a fascinating concept. Most of us have actually been through something very similar. Masses of people spent Christmas 2020 inside their houses. We waited for the all clear to see friends and family again. The TV and the internet were people’s main line of communication. Indeed those were the only real avenues to stay informed. Orders were broadcast from the government. Daily press conferences became the norm. TV and internet became our only window into the outside world. This movie feels, at least, a little bit timely all of a sudden. Naturally this is purely coincidental but it’s nice to at least be able to relate to the situation of the family.

Conflicting Personalities

Await Further Instructions plays on the smorgasbord of characters present in the house. Building the tension from the start. It is very clear this family does not get along. Abuse appears to have trickled down through the patriarchal side. Tony has an, obviously, complicated relationship with his racist, ex military police, father. This has lead to Nick and his dad developing underlying issues. Annji, due to her race, is not warmly welcomed by some members of the family. Her logical and considered arguments against the demands of the TV are rebuffed. Nick and Annji are left to fight there own corner as Tony takes control. The members of the family play as both antagonists and protagonists, adding to the negative atmosphere throughout.

Await Further Instructions (2018) Horror Movie Reviews

Unfortunately, the promising set up is let down by some poor writing. Gavin Williams has put together a particularly weak script. Dialogue feels unnatural and inorganic. This is especially apparent given the domestic nature of the setting. There is no flow to any of the conversations. These don’t feel like people who actually grew up together. Characters don’t feel as though they have well defined personalities. They switch and change their opinions seemingly at random. Going from rebellion to compliance in a heartbeat and without logical reasons.

I really feel as though this movie would have benefited from a little retro scripting. Let the characters interact and improvise a bit. There is a sanitised, almost hyper rehearsed, feeling to the film. There is also a distinct lack of nuance when it comes to the characters. You can easily guess what will come out of their mouths next. Their entirely stereotyped nature, perhaps, offers a degree of relatability for certain viewers. But it comes at the cost of unpredictability.

Some Notably Awkward Scenes

Certain scenes really stand out for the poor scripting. For example, when the family realises there are barriers over the windows. Tony declares that this is nonsense and asks if he is the only one with any sense around here. What is this statement supposed to mean? He can see there are barriers on the doors. The family tell him they are on the windows as well. He pushes it, it doesn’t budge. Where does “having sense” factor into this? He can see the barriers, he can feel them. He can tell they don’t move. This is just one example of extremely jarring dialogue. A more reasonable reaction would be for him to declare his intentions to find out what is going on.

Await Further Instructions (2018) Horror Movie Reviews

This is, unfortunately, a persistent theme. Added to this the poor story writing in general. You are left with characters who never feel as though they react naturally. Certain characters protest to requests in one scene only to comply in the next with barely any convincing. There are massive jumps of logic all over the place. The family resort to drastic actions with almost no reason. You will be left wondering why things have escalated so dramatically. The lack of writing nuance leaves you aching for explanation.

Acting is pretty mediocre, throughout. Somewhat adding to the issues. Sam Gittins, as Nick, and Grant Masters, as Tony, stand out as being decent. Neerja Naik, as Annji, is inconsistent and Holly Weston is pretty bad. Playing the role in an almost soap opera manner. I actually enjoyed Weston in Welsh set horror Splintered. I don’t think she is a bad actor. Here, I think she just found it too easy to default to her Hollyoaks acting past.

An Obvious Allegory

It becomes very clear, almost from the second that things kick off, that there is a hidden meaning here. A supposed terrorist attack has taken place on Christmas eve. The family listens intently to the news. Without any real information being disclosed, they spout racist rhetoric. The next day, the television starts demanding that the family follow its orders. Again, without having any information, the family follow the orders religiously. Indeed, it is made apparent to the viewer that Tony himself believes in a higher being. A greater purpose in life if you will. A cross hangs above the TV in an obvious metaphorical hint to the person watching.

Await Further Instructions (2018) Horror Movie Reviews

Television and media are controlling people’s lives. People believe what they see on the television unequivocally. Media robs people of independent thought and we are at the point of accepting that. The news turns people into drones. It becomes almost a religion to people. They worship it unquestioningly and, in turn, it demands to be worshiped. It’s all very obvious stuff and Await Further Instructions beats you around the head with it. The ending of the movie only further reinforces that. Pointing out the generational nature of media consumption. How it is passed down from parent to child. It’s not subtle and the medium of horror movies seems like a strange place to deliver this message. I suppose it is fun to point the finger at the viewer a little, though.

A Divisive Ending

The ending of Await Further Instructions is quite unusual. It takes a turn from being something of a domestic drama into a full on horror movie. Bathing everything in a green hue. This part of the movie looks completely different. The special effects team went to work creating something fairly unique. The result is a rather stylish ending that is somewhat unexpected given the nature of the film. In fact, it is the only part of the movie that could be considered Science Fiction. It still feels more fantasy than anything, however.

It is immediately clear that this ending will divide viewers. Some people are going to seriously dislike the tonal shift. Others are going to ask questions about why the events happened. I can imagine there are plenty of horror fans that will find it horribly unsatisfying. It doesn’t exactly answer anything in a particularly satisfying way. People who, perhaps, miss the metaphorical nature of the story will be confused. On the other hand, some will love it. The ending acts as something of a full stop on the end of the allegorical tale. A confirmation, if you will. The ending heads in a direction that many movies are afraid to head into, as well. It’s hard not to appreciate a filmmaker taking risks.

Above all else, however. It features some interesting horror imagery. I found it to be reminiscent of something from a Japanese Manga series. I couldn’t help but think of Ghost in the Shell and other similar stories. It is a mix of body horror and science fiction. The ending also manages to create a visual representation of the movie’s message. It is, most definitely, not going to be for everyone. Just like Await Further Instructions itself.

Should You Watch Await Further Instructions?

This is a hard movie to recommend. If you are looking for something a little different then you should watch Await Further Instructions. It’s just so inconsistent. The story is interesting enough but unnatural conversations, mixed acting, no scares, illogical character actions and a bunch of other issues make it a tough watch.

By Richie