Wake Wood Review

It is day 12 of our K-O-Ween 31 Days of Halloween horror movie review a day feature. Today we are taking a look at an Irish and British collaboration in the form of Wake Wood from 2009. This is another movie, along with V/H/S, that I can’t rate astonishingly well. This collection of movies, however, is supposed to be about variety and Wake Wood is still definitely worth a watch as something a bit different.

Wake Wood was part of the Hammer Horror revival that also included Let Me In and The Quiet Ones. While not sharing many of the themes and traits of the original Hammer Horror, It’s nice to see the name doing the rounds again. Hammer Horror used to be a no brainer when you wanted slightly cheesy, B-movie horror. Its absence was definitely felt in the British horror movie industry. With that being said, let’s take a look at their first modern offering Wake Wood.

Wake Wood (2009)

Wake Wood, takes us to County Donegal in Northern Ireland, and the home of married couple Patrick, played by Aidan Gillen, and Louise, played by Eva Birthistle, and their daughter Alice. It is Alice’s 9th Birthday and Alice has received a hamster from her mum and a necklace from her dad.

Patrick and Alice from Wake Wood (2011)
Wake Wood gets almost straight into the meat of the story

Little do Alice and her parents realise that their idyllic world will soon be torn apart. One of the dogs that Patrick was looking after suddenly breaks free from its cage. Horribly mauling Alice, resulting in her death. The mournful parents, unable to overcome their grief, begin to fall apart. 

A year later, the couple have moved to the small rural town of Wake Wood. After witnessing a man being killed in a farm accident. Patrick and Louise learn of a pagan ritual used in the town to bring people back to life. There are only a few simple rules. They cannot leave the boundaries of the town and they can only stay for a weekend. Could this be an opportunity for Louise and Patrick to see Alice again? Or is it secretly a curse disguised as a gift.

Another Monkey’s Paw Tale

It’s hard to read all of the above without automatically thinking of Pet Sematary (We reviewed the original for day 1 of our K-O-Ween feature and the 2019 remake way back when). The tale of the Monkey’s Paw has been around for a long time and has been adapted in many formats. The most noteworthy, as far as modern pop culture horror goes, is Pet Sematary. Stephen King’s cautionary tale of getting what you wish for gone wrong is well known. A child is killed, a father buries the child in Pet Sematary, the child comes back to life changed and chaos ensues. Wake Wood, for all intents and purposes, is a retelling of that very same story.

Sure, some of the things here and there are different but the movie feels very similar. The filmmakers attempted to mix things up a little  by using themes from other similar movies. For example, there is a slight nod to movies such as The Wicker Man via the use of pagan style ritual and a rural community. But it is fairly obvious that this is the same basic story with a slightly different, more Irish, wrapper.

Mixing Things Up a Little

Some of the themes do vary slightly from Pet Sematary. The ritual is less a secret and more a gift that all the villagers receive at some point. The actual resurrection of the person is slightly different and, as long as the rules are followed, the person will not come back changed. 

Wake Wood (2011)
The Wake Wood Resurrection ritual is suitably atmospheric

This begs the question of whether Wake Wood deserves some criticism for taking so openly from such a well loved movie? I certainly think it has to be pointed out at the very least. I don’t think, however, that because a movie is well loved it should have a monopoly on a concept. The tale of the monkey’s paw is an old one and the notion that you should be careful what you wish for is likely even older. I enjoy seeing a different person’s take on a subject. As long as the movie doesn’t border on plagiarism, I think we are okay.

A Compelling Plot

I am a big fan of the “be careful what you wish for” plot line. I think it can lead to some really interesting events and allows for a character to be presented as one thing and then entirely changed. Although it has been done before, Wake Wood does a nice job with this story. I thought the ritual was a good touch and the idea that this has been going on in Wake Wood for years worked well. Everyone gets a turn, so to speak, so the villager’s willingness to participate made sense. Playing along is very much in their interests.

The power at play here is bound to the area of the town and the resurrected person can’t leave or they will die again. That was a really good way of explaining how nobody has escaped with a resurrected loved one. The three day rule also worked really well as there was no expectation that this was permanent. It also offers an opportunity for closure at the end of the movie. Everyone involved follows the rules so that they can see their loved ones again, albeit temporarily. What didn’t make as much sense was how many people have died in Wake Wood recently. That place is apparently dangerous.

Well Paced and Fairly Interesting

The pacing is decent and you are never really left bored. The initial events of the movie are over with within minutes and we are on to the meat of the story. Once things escalate, they do so rapidly and the results are fairly satisfying. Wake Wood is an easy watch. I would almost go as far as to call it popcorn horror. I certainly think it fits the bill for a quick horror movie to throw on that doesn’t require too much thought.

Arthur from Wake Wood (2011).
A wild Timothy Spall appears!

It’s worth pointing out, as well, that the practical effects are fantastic. The ritual itself is pretty gruesome and the rebirth of the resurrected person is suitably nasty. The site of a child emerging naked and covered in blood and guts is a daring, slightly haunting, visual that will likely stay with you after watching. It’s worth mentioning that these scenes were, thankfully, tactfully shot. Always important when filming this type of scene involving a young person.

A Few Complaints

Wake Wood, as a movie, can be something of a mixed bag. It is placed in an idyllic setting but, despite this, the camera work is pretty substandard. Ireland is an absolutely stunning country that reminds me a lot of where I live in Wales. If you can’t create gorgeous shots with the incredible Irish scenery you are probably doing something wrong. I couldn’t help but notice that some of the shots seemed to feature the cinematographer desperately attempting to do something creative. There are lots of quick cuts between characters, bland camera angles, and everything just feels a bit boring.

The lighting in some indoor scenes was fairly bad as well. It was almost as if the lights weren’t defused. Shadows were being cast in a way that made the direction of the lights very obvious. There were also some quick zoom ins on character faces during shocking moments. Maybe this is a nod to Hammer Horror movies of old? I can definitely forgive it for that.

Wake Wood (2011)
The rebirth ritual is suitably gruesome and an impressive visual

There are, as is common with many horror movies, a few plot holes here and there. One, in particular, at the end of the movie is very glaring. Despite this, I would actually refer to many of them more as just illogical actions. The family get three days together yet they seem to waste quite a lot of it. For some of that time they are not even with their daughter. It just doesn’t make much sense. The ending of the movie is sure to leave some viewers unsatisfied, as well. Especially given its predictable nature.

Should You Watch Wake Wood?

Wake Wood, while not a perfect movie, is an enjoyable horror that deserves a watch. Set in an idyllic location, Wake Wood’s story and pagan style rituals are both compelling and easy to enjoy. Working as something of a combination of The Wicker Man and Pet Sematary, Wake Wood features a familiar tale, decent acting, and excellent practical effects.

Sometimes a bit uneven. Cinematography is bland and fairly uninteresting, scares are infrequent and the ending may leave some viewers wanting more. There is a fair amount of cheesy, old fashioned, editing and the movie already feels a bit older than it actually is. Still, Wake Wood is an enjoyable horror with a decent runtime and an interesting enough plot to keep most people engaged.

By Richie