Welcome to Knockout Horror. Today we are taking a look at Australian Horror Survival movie Outback. Directed by Mike Green, this movie follows American couple Lisa and Wade who are on a trip to Australia to see the sights. Wade made the rather stupid decision to propose to Lisa on the way over and now things are very awkward. But that will be the least of their concerns when a trip to Uluru (Ayers Rock) leaves them stranded in the middle of nowhere.
This is a bit of a silly movie with a bunch of ridiculous plot holes which make absolutely no sense. If you are wanting to know more about this story or just need an explanation for the ending, you are in luck. We have put together an Outback Ending Explained article. It’s full of spoilers so stay here if you haven’t watched the movie yet. Let’s take a look.
Dumb Tourists Being Dumb Tourists
This one really starts off on the wrong foot demanding that the viewer buy into some, frankly, ridiculous ideas. The couple head off on a multi-thousand mile journey packing only a bottle of water, half a tank of gas, a can of gas just in case that half tank isn’t enough, and some kangaroo jerky. Apparently, that is plenty for the 36 hour journey through remote, Australian, nothingness. The very idea that anyone would undertake this task so underprepared is fairly ridiculous.
The concept isn’t the most frustrating of the movie’s issues, though. While Outback is a fairly mundane, slow moving, dull, uninteresting and unrealistic survival movie. It’s focus on the questionable relationship of our two main characters is slightly more troubling. There’s a real hint of misogyny here and a real sense of punishing Lisa for having the temerity to not want to marry Wade. A character who is, frankly, a controlling, manipulative, loser. Is the writer telling this story from personal experience? Did he flunk a proposal and feel the need to vent?
This is an incredibly dumb story and will immediately split viewers. Some will dislike Wade for his obvious lack of foresight and his sulky personality. Others will dislike Lisa for refusing his proposal. Needless to say, the survival element here takes a backseat to relationship drama. Much of this movie is two people arguing because they happen to be on different paths in life and never realised it until now.
Ridiculous Survival Aspect
When the survival aspect kicks in, it mainly focuses on a ridiculously dumb character, slowly leading another character to their inevitable doom. The landscape is barren, it is very hot because.. Australia! There are snakes and scorpions everywhere because, again, Australia, and the two characters are incredibly dehydrated. It would be hard to imagine a worse situation but the potential for drama and suspense ala Walkabout is totally wasted. Instead, we have a bunch of ridiculous survival movie tropes and a dude that really wants his girlfriend to drink his pee.
I have never seen a movie indulge so heavily in one trope. The idea that drinking your urine while horribly dehydrate you is, literally, all this movie has. It is a horrible mess and Outback feeds on it greedily. I imagine, for many viewers, it will be a bit difficult to watch. I probably shouldn’t need to say this but, apparently, the film-makers don’t realise. If you are in this situation; DON’T DRINK YOUR PEE. It won’t re-hydrate you. In fact, it will do the opposite. It is a dumb tip perpetuated by Bear Grylls’ fans. Terminally online types who probably never leave the house but somehow believe they could survive in the middle of the desert. Simply by eating lizards and drinking excreta.
Based on an Urban Legend…. What?
The makers boldly claim that Outback is, interchangeably, based on both a true story and an Urban Legend. The viewer is constantly hounded with onscreen notes about the characters in the movie as if they were real people who genuinely existed. The reality is, Outback is not based on a true story. You won’t be able to find the specific case this movie relates to because it is fiction. It is based on the arrogance and stupidity of foreign tourists in general.
This speaks to the greater issue with Outback. It wants to be so much more than it is. Simple research could have generated a real life story to base this on. This would have afforded the creators at least a modicum of realism. They could have ripped the events straight from the story but, instead, we have two people that are difficult to care about. Wandering in circles and trying really hard to piss in a bottle. It is horribly boring and farcically silly. Especially when it comes to character decisions, some of which are beyond insane.
Plot Holes and Continuity Issues
It’s hard to say whether the movie features a ton of plot holes, or not. I can’t tell if it is that or just the characters being stupid. Still, there are a few things that stick out a mile. For example, Wade is apparently half way through his basic training. How the hell did he get a few weeks off for a vacation? I didn’t even think people doing basic got weekends off. For every military person I knew it was long days training, evenings spent sorting kit and night time spent recovering. Maybe the occasional half day if they were lucky. I mean, those people are tough for a reason and I imagine America is even more strict.
Another crucial plot hole involving the car really sticks out. It undermines the entire events of the movie. Continuity issues are a real problem here. Characters will be wearing bright white sneakers half way through the film, despite having been walking in dirt for hours. Clothes are spotless and our characters both look rather clean and fresh. There is some okay makeup work at one point. That mysteriously disappears after awhile, though. It feels very low rent and painfully low effort.
Acting and Cinematography are Okay
Both Lauren Lofberg and Taylor Wiese’s accents slip on a few occasions, they are Australian, not American. Lofberg is fine in dramatic scenes but her delivery is a little childlike, at times. I put that down to the script more than anything. This is very much a case of men writing women and doing a poor job. Wiese’s character is so unlikeable it is hard to comment on his performance. He is fine in some of the more visceral, dramatic moments, I suppose.
Cinematography is okay. I don’t think the Outback is what you would call stunning scenery. More of a barren wasteland, really. The decision to film the touristy parts of Australian on an overcast day was strange. It looked like the UK with how bloody grey it was. Lofberg looks absolutely freezing when the pair visit the beach. Did they film in Aussie winter? I absolutely love Australia; it’s a beautiful place and I would have enjoyed seeing some more of the scenery. That’s a bit of a nit-pick though, to be fair.
Pacing is lacking. The majority of the movie is awkward interactions between the couple. The rest of it is two people walking in circles while being a bit thirsty and a bit warm. The hilarious final 20 minutes of the movie might be some of the silliest I have ever seen. Designed to, once again, remind women that their partner’s would do anything for them. Hence why they should just acquiesce to their every demand. However unreasonable and publicly embarrassing. It’s just awful stuff. Utterly devoid of suspense and almost impossible to invest in.
Should You Watch Outback?
Outback is worth a watch if you are just dying for a survival movie and don’t care about plot holes and absolutely boneheaded characters. Unfortunately, this is a film that has plenty of potential but delivers on none of it. Slow paced, boring, and with a ridiculous setup. The interpersonal drama between the main characters makes Wade difficult to invest in. The survival aspects are virtually non-existent. Consisting predominantly of one man attempting to have his girlfriend drink his piss. And there really isn’t anything to get your teeth into. Really not all that great.